Organic Pigments
An organic pigment is a compound made up of organic hydrocarbons.
The best features of it are its vivid colors and high tinting.
There are various color variations, levels of transparency, tinting strength, and clarity based on the chemical structure; plus, the physical state of organic pigments is influenced by particle engineering. These properties may slightly differ depending on the manufacturer.

Fluorescend Pigments
Fluorescent Pigments can be used on a wide range of materials and products, such as sporting goods, household items, stationery, and safety equipment. They enable easy recognition of objects, requiring colorful designs with excellent clarity and visibility.

ECO Hybrid Pigments
These pigments can effectively replace dangerous Lead Chromate inorganic pigments, which are subject to many restrictions in use due to heavy metal content. Eco pigments can be used in various fields such as road marking, and other paint & coatings, as well as ink applications. These are the ultimate environmentally friendly products that can be applied with complete confidence.